Braces are a common sight in orthodontic offices, but did you know there’s more to them than straightening teeth? Here are five fun facts about braces and their history that may surprise you:

Fun Facts About Bracesbraces

  1. They have been around for centuries. The ancient Egyptians are believed to have used a crude form of braces made from animal bones and metal wire to straighten teeth. The ancient Greeks and Romans also used similar methods to improve their smiles.
  2. The modern version of braces is credited to an orthodontist named Edward Angle. He developed the first system of brackets and wires in the late 19th century, which is still in use today.
  3. They aren’t just for kids and teens! Adults make up a significant portion of orthodontic patients. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, one in four orthodontic patients is over the age of 18.
  4. They come in many different types and styles. Traditional metal braces are still widely used, but ceramic braces, lingual braces and clear aligners (such as Invisalign) are also popular options.
  5. They aren’t just used to get a more beautiful smile. They also function in correcting bite problems, such as overbite, underbite and crossbite, and relieving TMJ pain and snoring. 

So next time you see someone with braces, remember that they’re not just a cosmetic procedure. They have a long history, different types, and can correct different dental problems. They have come a long way since their ancient origins, and they continue to evolve to provide better treatment options for patients of all ages. 

Ask Dr. Holbert at Holbert Family Orthodontics about our braces options! Schedule a complimentary consultation online.