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When you think of orthodontics, most people think of a young teenager with wire metal braces glinting from their teeth. However, the truth is that children should begin seeing an orthodontist around the age of seven, and the benefits of orthodontic care don’t simply end once teens reach adulthood. In fact, more adults than ever are benefitting from the latest technology in orthodontic care to achieve the smiles of their dreams discreetly and effectively.

There are many reasons why an adult may choose to seek out orthodontic treatment. Perhaps they never had braces as a teenager and only now have the means and motivation to transform their smile, or they did have braces when they were young but have since had teeth shift out of place. Other patients may care little about the cosmetic benefits of a straight smile and instead seek to straighten their teeth for the health benefits of a perfectly aligned smile. No matter your reason for seeking out treatment, it is never too late to achieve the smile of your dreams.

When adults set out to find an orthodontist to help them achieve their smile goals, it is important to find an expert who is highly trained and provides a variety of treatment methods. Many adults shy away from traditional wire braces in favor of more discreet options, such as clear braces or Invisalign clear aligners, so it is essential to find professionals who are experienced in all these treatment options to give you the best opportunity for a customized orthodontic experience.

At Holbert Family Orthodontics, our team is a proud Platinum Plus Provider of Invisalign, meaning we have transformed hundreds of smiles with the use of Invisalign products including Invisalign, Invisalign First and Invisalign Teen. Invisalign aligners are a great option for adults as they can effectively correct mild to moderate cases of overcrowding, overbite, underbite and gaps between the teeth. These aligners are transparent and fit snugly to the existing ridges of your teeth, so they are virtually invisible when worn and can even be removed for eating, drinking, brushing and special occasions. Invisalign patients also require fewer orthodontic appointments compared to those with traditional braces, meaning our adult patients do not need to worry about finding time for wire adjustments in addition to their already busy schedules.

There is no one right time or one right way to perfect and straighten your teeth. Every individual is different, and your adult orthodontics treatment should reflect as much. That’s why, no matter when you decide it’s time to take the next step towards transforming your smile, it’s important to find an orthodontist you trust to help you reach your smile goals through whatever treatment works best for your individual case. At Holbert Family Orthodontics, we take pride in helping all our patients smile with confidence, no matter their age or treatment method. The first step to achieving a bright, beautiful smile is to schedule a consultation. Take that first step today by scheduling a complimentary consultation with Holbert Family Orthodontics online at holbertbraces.com or over the phone by calling us at 804-270-7824 for Richmond and 804-966-3030 for New Kent.