diy orthodontic treatmentThe new trends of filing down tooth enamel and direct to consumer aligners are showing up everywhere in social media, television and print. It can be tempting to try some of these smile enhancing tricks. Teens are especially susceptible to believing the over the top claims being made by their favorite social media stars. 

Videos of teens filing their teeth with nail files to “fix the ridges” are trending on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. Teens and young adults are touting the virtues of saving money while fixing their own teeth with DIY orthodontics. The reality, however, is that every person gets one set of adult teeth, and by damaging the enamel at a young age, teens and young adults may cause harm to their teeth that can require extensive and expensive dental work in the future. 

Even more alarming is the trend to use DIY or at-home teeth straightening systems. These home aligner companies appeal to the masses by offering orthodontic treatment at a cut rate price, bypassing an in-person doctor exam and the foundations of good dental care.  Anyone undergoing orthodontic correction should have a thorough dental exam and x-rays to evaluate the health of the teeth, gums and underlying bone.  Tooth movement in the presence of gum disease, bone loss or cavities can result in tooth sensitivity, the loss of teeth and possibly extensive dental treatment to correct misguided orthodontic movement. 

Direct to consumer aligner companies tout the lack of orthodontic supervision as a positive aspect of “treatment” but do not explain that those office visits allow your orthodontist to monitor progress and adjust your plan to account for changes in movement. Direct to consumer aligners and DIY orthodontics do not use small attachments to hold and guide your teeth into their appropriate positions.  They also do not allow for the use of rubber bands or the reshaping of teeth to help with ideal bite correction and smile design.  These are all important factors in achieving straight teeth, a beautiful smile and healthy bone structure.

Face to face orthodontic appointments are incredibly important for both the patient and the orthodontist. Orthodontic correction is an on-going process that requires supervision and adjustments along the way.  Orthodontists have years of experience and education that they use to ensure your treatment is done safely with proper alignment and bite correction. If you have any questions and would like to see an experienced orthodontist, please reach out to Dr. Holbert at Holbert Family Orthodontics for a complimentary exam and smile evaluation.