orthodontic emergencies


Good news… orthodontic emergencies are quite rare. However, if you experience discomfort, a broken bracket or loose wires, give us a call in Richmond, VA at (804) 270-7824 or our New Kent office at (804) 966-3030. We are happy to fix any broken or loose component and get you back on track to your new smile. In the case of orthodontic emergencies, we will do our very best to schedule an appointment the same day to fix your problem.



Orthodontic emergencies can happen when you least expect it. We’re here to help you figure out how to deal with an emergency by first determining its serverity. A dental emergency can be characterized by:

  • Severe, unmanageable pain or discomfort
  • Infection or swelling of the gums, mouth or face
  • Injury to the face, head or mouth 
  • Bleeding


As your teeth move during orthodontic treatment, you may experience soreness or tenderness for a few days after an adjustment. This is normal and it shows your braces are working! For soreness or discomfort, Holbert Family Orthodontics recommends an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen and soft foods for a few days. Choose yogurt or mashed potatoes, and avoid hard or sticky foods that could exacerbate the discomfort. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can also help alleviate soreness. 


Common orthodontic emergencies include broke brackets and loose wires. As your braces begin to move your teeth, a poking wire can cause irritation to the back of the cheeks. If this happens, we suggest that you leave the appliance as is and schedule an appointment with Dr. Holbert as soon as possible for a repair. It may help to apply wax over a loose bracket to keep it from moving around. You can also apply wax to a poking wire to minimize discomfort until we can fix it. 

If the poking wire is causing a lot of discomfort, you can use a soft Q-tip or a pencil eraser to gently bend the wire toward the interior of the mouth. This should help minimize discomfort until we can schedule an appointment. You can also apply a small piece of cotton to cushion the area until you can see Dr. Holbert for repair.

Please feel free to call us anytime for additional suggestions on orthodontic emergencies and how to minimize discomfort until we can see you and fix the loose part. 

If you have been injured, especially in the head, face or mouth — seek immediate help from an urgent care or emergency room. If there are signs of severe pain, difficulty moving the jaw, persistent bleeding from the mouth or ears, loss of consciousness, confusion, severe headaches, vomiting, or any other neurological symptoms such as weakness or numbness, you should head there right away. Trauma to the head or jaw can have serious consequences if left untreated.

For infection, swelling of the gums or trauma to a tooth, your regular dentist is the best place to start. Your regular dentist is trained to handle an abscess, fractured, chipped or broken tooth. Your orthodontic treatment plan can be modified or put on hold as needed until your tooth is repaired.

If you have any questions or concerns about orthodontic emergencies or if you are having issues with loose brackets, bands or poking wires, the first step is often to reach out to us. please call Holbert Family Orthodontics in Richmond, VA at (804) 270-7824 or our New Kent office at (804) 966-3030.